$297.00 USD

Every month

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Welcome to The Voice of Won 12-Month Intensive! 

I want to CONGRATULATE you for investing in yourself and being willing to challenge your current thinking and actions.  

You’ll see from what’s included in this coaching experience that it’s designed to deliver an extremely high level of accountability, support, and the right system so you make empowered decisions and take bold action toward achieving your goals.  

Saying “YES” to this experience means showing up for yourself in a whole new way,  mentally, energetically, spiritually, and physically.  

This is KEY to achieving your goals, asking for support, and being open to new ways of thinking. PLUS, being willing to be challenged to go outside your comfort zone will help you make your Total Transformation a reality that much faster.  

For you to get the most out of your Total Transformation, you agree to make the following commitments.  

Your Commitment to The Program Includes:  

  • Reading, signing, and returning this Agreement to me before your first session 
  • Attending all coaching sessions and/or calls on time and refraining from multitasking during calls 
  • Being authentic, honest, and speaking up for what you want 
  • Let me know about any personal situations that may interfere with your experience in the program 
  • Letting it be okay not to know all the answers 
  • Be willing to take risks, try new things, and stretch beyond your current  experience 
  • Being responsible for your results, which includes proactively asking for  support, scheduling coaching calls, and using your program benefits
  • Honoring the investment you are making in yourself by handling any situations  that may take you away from your experience 
  • Honoring our relationship by being direct, truthful, and open so we can go  farther, faster 
  • Celebrating your wins, shifts, achievements, and excitement throughout the  program 

Our Commitment to You Includes:  

  • Believing in you and your ability to achieve your vision of success 
  • Sharing in-depth information and knowledge with you so you can move forward  with your goals much more quickly than you would on your own 
  • Allowing you to be 100% authentic and fully YOU 
  • Holding you accountable to act from your highest self, even when you may not  feel that way 
  • Being in integrity and honesty at all times 
  • Holding high standards for you and myself 
  • Being kind and patient with your progress so that you know you always have a  safe place to express where you are 
  • Sharing creative action steps, ideas, and inspiration without the need to have you  “like” them (if you don’t like an action step or an idea that we create, no  problem—we’ll create another one or you’ll be inspired to create your own) 
  • Laser-coaching you to find solutions to challenges that may come up 
  • Coaching you to your highest self and to achieve your highest potential 
  • Knowing that there are unlimited possibilities available to you, no matter what  any particular situation looks like 
  • Caring deeply about you and your success 

What You’ll Receive in The Total Transformation:  

  • Coaching Sessions with a VOW Coach. These will be in person (depending on the location of the client and coach) or via Zoom. During these coaching sessions, the coach will share proprietary information and customized coaching exercises that are GUARANTEED to accelerate your results and help you achieve breakthroughs so you can experience transformation immediately, and permanently. 

This program doesn’t exist to give you MORE information; it exists to give you relevant, practical, and actionable information so that you can stay out of overwhelm, and get into Purposeful Activity.


  • Initial session is 45 minutes. The remaining sessions are 30 minutes. 
  • Sessions are scheduled weekly for the 12 months during your coaching program; we will schedule your sessions for the same day and time of the week so you can build them into your schedule. 
  • To get the most out of your sessions, please arrive at all sessions on time, as we schedule sessions back to back and honor start/stop times. 


Investment Options:  


Sessions shall be 30 (thirty) minutes. There shall be a minimum of 44 (forty-four) sessions for 12 months. There shall be an initial complimentary interview session for 45 minutes to evaluate the client.



You acknowledge and take full responsibility for your life and well-being, as well as the lives and well-being of your family (where applicable), and all decisions made during and after the Program. In furtherance and not in limitation of the foregoing, you hereby and forever waive, release, and discharge me, my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, officers,  agents, employees, representatives, executors, and all others acting on their behalf (the  “Released Parties”) from any and all claims or liabilities for injuries or damages to your person and/or property or that of your family (where applicable), including those caused by negligent act or omission of any of those mentioned or others acting on their behalf, arising out of or connected with your participation in the Transformation Program or in connection with services provided by me or the Released Parties.  


If you fail to do the activity you commit to for the week, that will be strike one. The second time it is strike two, the third time, is strike three and the coach reserves the right to terminate the coaching relationship. The coaching client is a reflection of the coach’s work,  and if the client is unwilling to do the work to help themselves reach their own goals, then we can still be friends, and just not be in business together. 


This contract is for a period of 12 months. 

I acknowledge and agree that my coaching will begin the month indicated in the box below and will continue for 12 consecutive months thereafter. I agree that this Contract will automatically renew for 12 months unless I provide written notification of termination of my participation 30 days in advance of the annual renewal date. If I  provide written notification of my termination of participation I understand and agree that I must obtain written confirmation from Voice of Won Inc. acknowledging receipt.  I authorize Voice of Won Inc. to charge my card for coaching services that I receive each month. This authority remains in full force and effect throughout the term of this contract, including any renewal terms. I am committing to a 12-month term by signing this contract. I will be charged for missed sessions; it is my responsibility to notify my VOW Coach of any sessions I will miss at least 48 hours prior to the day of the call. I will be charged for a missed session without the opportunity to make up that call if I fail to notify my coach within the time period set forth. 

Group Coaching

Ready to take your life to the next level? Unlock your full potential with group coaching sessions. Let's work together to achieve your goals and create the life you deserve. Book your coaching package now and embark on a transformative journey towards success!

What you'll get:
  • Believing in you and your ability to achieve your vision of success 
  • Sharing in-depth information and knowledge with you so you can move forward  with your goals much more quickly than you would on your own 
  • Allowing you to be 100% authentic and fully YOU 
  • Holding you accountable to act from your highest self, even when you may not  feel that way 
  • Being in integrity and honesty at all times 
  • Holding high standards for you and myself 
  • Being kind and patient with your progress so that you know you always have a  safe place to express where you are 
  • Sharing creative action steps, ideas, and inspiration without the need to have you  “like” them (if you don’t like an action step or an idea that we create, no  problem—we’ll create another one or you’ll be inspired to create your own) 
  • Laser-coaching you to find solutions to challenges that may come up 
  • Coaching you to your highest self and to achieve your highest potential 
  • Knowing that there are unlimited possibilities available to you, no matter what  any particular situation looks like 
  • Caring deeply about you and your success